
Eve Cuny, MS, CDIPC

Ms. Cuny is the Executive Associate Dean at Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry in San Francisco, California, where she is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences. Ms. Cuny is a consultant to the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs and is a member of the National Occupational Research Agenda Council in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector. She has served as an expert reviewer and advisor to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She received the James Crawford Award for Lifetime Achievement in dental infection control in 2009. She is an internationally recognized expert in infection control in dentistry; publishing, consulting, and lecturing throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. She has earned the OSAP-DALE Foundation Dental Infection Prevention and Control Certificate™ and earned her Certified in Dental Infection Prevention and Control (CDIPC) certification.

Karen Gregory, RN, CDIPC

Ms. Gregory is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer skilled in translating regulatory and compliance information into captivating educational programming for healthcare workers. She is Certified in Dental Infection Prevention and Control® (CDIPC®), serves as a subject matter expert in dental infection prevention and control, and specializes in packaging process and policy content for successful integration into practice. In fact, she recently was involved in the update of the unforgettable teaching tool, “If Saliva Were Red” and was Editor-in-Chief of the online tool, “Best Practices for Infection Control in Dental Clinics During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. She is currently on the Editorial Review Board of the popular newsletter, Infection Control in Practice.

Ms. Gregory served on the Board of Directors of the Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and has been awarded all three of the organization’s top leadership awards. She volunteers for the Charlotte North Carolina Missions of Mercy in an effort to help those in need. Early in 2023, she launched her own consulting firm to “inspire frontline healthcare workers to include safety in every process”.

Shannon E. Mills, DDS

Dr. Mills is retired Air Force Dental Officer, dental educator, and dental benefits executive.  He is currently an independent consultant, lecturer, and author and is internationally recognized as an expert in infection prevention and control. He has been a member of OSAP since 1991 and is a recipient of the OSAP James J. Crawford Award for Lifetime Achievement. He represents OSAP as a volunteer member of the American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association Standards Committees.   He is currently a contract subject matter expert for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Oral Health.